Paul holly-pops & Aavee xxx 6th December 2023

Pops I can't stop thinking about you now you've left us I wanted to tell all at your funeral how grateful I was for all that you learned me passing on your skills to along with george and uncle keith but tina had already had the service book done so she said I couldn't I told uncle keith after the funeral but george had gone so I hope you did yourself know how grateful I was I will send donation direct to the rspb because I remember how much you liked wildlife especially birds I will always remember how you used to take me and peter walks through the donkey trek at kings Norton and how you looked for bird nests then tell us what bird laid them I was 7 years old and peter was 9 but peter also liked wildlife taking many photos on his little trips around scotland especially dundee where he made his move to sadly peter passed away before you but you can now catch up with him now dad and don't take any stick of mom lol . But dad I wish you had left me something to pass down to my eldest son jayden but it had all gone so left with just my memories of you pops so got to go now dad and feed holly-pops & aavee love you pops and always miss you Paul and dogs xx